Social Skills

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While spending time with friends can be fun, social interactions present their own unique challenges. A single conversation can place so many demands on a child that we often do not consider! Our fun-filled social skills group provides engaging activities and opportunities for interaction with peers while practicing key skills that include:
  • Maintaining conversational topics
  • Making socially appropriate comments
  • Using the right body language and respecting personal space
  • Making inferences and drawing conclusions during interactions
  • Working together to complete a task
  • Demonstrating sportsmanship during game play
  • And more!


Here are some common questions our families have enrolling in a Social Skills Group.
While not every child may be a perfect fit for a social skills group, the majority of children can benefit greatly from participation. An ideal candidate would be a child who can actively participate in group activities, demonstrate the ability to engage independently in leisure pursuits, and comfortably interact with peers, allowing them into their space. We aim to provide a supportive environment where children can enhance their social skills and build positive relationships, fostering their growth and development.

These groups provide a supportive environment for children to enhance their social skills and boost their confidence, especially beneficial for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder or ADHD.
Children 5 years of age and older can enroll in our social skills groups.
We try to have no more than 5 children in a group.
Our groups meet for 1 hour.

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